The main entrance to the ving tsun kung fu training floor and tea room

The main entrance to the ving tsun kung fu training floor and tea room

The view from the street. Our "front door" is on the side of the building.

The main entrance to the ving tsun kung fu training floor and tea room
Our Facilities
We have a beautiful and well maintained school that provides you the comfortable learning environment you need to focus on growing your skills.

Come See For Yourself
Come visit our school and see for yourself. Talk with the other students and get a free Wai's Kung Fu pin for your jacket, shirt or bag.

Fighting and Training Are Different
We believe that you can't learn to swim while drowning. Our approach to learning self defense involves critical thinking and development of key skills. So you will never be thrown into a fight situation and made to sink or swim. Instead you will be brought through a series of challenging but achievable drills. As you complete each drill and each level your skills will grow and before you know it you will have good kung fu and real confidence that you can defend yourself and your loved ones.