"A must have for anybody wanting to excel in wing chun"
Personalized to you
by Sifu Wayne
Why Are These Books So Popular?
"I've spent my life in the martial arts. I've lived in China and met, trained with, and exchanged information with the real grandmasters from many different lineages of wing chun and different styles.
Do you know what I discovered?
At the highest levels, all masters optimize, displaying skillful economy of effort.
The overlap between many of the high level martial arts is astounding, whether it was Wing Chun, Praying Mantis, Tai Chi, Xing Yi, Traditional Wushu, Dragon Style or even non-Chinese arts like Karate and Muay Thai.
My books are popular because I'm passing along the universal and timeless secrets and knowledge that all the real grandmasters know and apply."
Speaking of universal and timeless secrets, in 1967 Patriarch Ip Man commissioned Moy Yat to carve the Ving Tsun Kuen Kuit, the collection of Wing Chun Kung Fu idioms, into stone. Moy Yat along with Chi Nam Kwong, completed this daunting task.
With access to this rare collection, I was able to catalog and translate the entire collection of 51 chops.
Those translations are passed to you through the Wing Chun Compendium.
The Focus Is On Universally Helpful Truths
Not "My Way" versus "Your Way"
One of my mentors summarized book reading to me in a way that really made an impact. He said "In a few hours you can have access to an entire lifetime of experience and lessons from a true expert by just reading a book they wrote. Think of the time and money investment they put in - and you get it quickly and cheaply. You can't pass up value like that."
"Master one thing to master everything"
Talk to any professional in any field. They will know the path to mastery - regardless of subdomain. It's because the path to mastery is the same. Attention to the right details, a lot of purposeful practice, investing in loss, having a "success" mindset, and more.
My book uses wing chun to put focus on these criteria that are important for you to master your style - and also be more confident and have a happier, safer life. The method to get these things is not reserved for wing chun people.
How's that possible?
There is more than one right way!
There are many paths up the mountain.
You're probably thinking,
"Wait, that's one of those universal truths that the grandmasters keep talking about."
My books have become so successful because I'm not trying to tell you my way is the only way or the best way. I don't even try to convince you to take the path I took. I want to support you in finding your own path by giving you the solid universal tips, techniques and methods that I was given and guided me.
If you are "advanced with gaps" or perpetually stuck at "advanced beginner", this book will help get you moving forward again. If you are starting fresh, it will help you not to go astray. If you are already learning at another school, the book will support your lessons and help you ask intelligent questions.
Whatever your situation there's something here for you.
Sao, Po, Lei
The Path To Mastery
The path to mastery is
well known by the grand masters, and now, you.
In the Sao stage, the novice learns and follows the rules as given by a teacher and works through the advanced beginner stage to competence stage. If you are concerned that the techniques in the book are different than you were taught, it's ok. The structure you seek is important for this stage. As you read you will certainly find similarities between your methods and the ones in the book plus new information and perspectives that supports your learning.
These books will help you through the Sau Stage.
In the Po stage, the competent learner reviews what has been learned and grows to become proficient and eventually an expert. They disassemble and dissect what they've learned and reassemble with new understanding striving to gain a deeper understanding and intuitive application. The knowledge, examples, theories, philosophy and stories in these books will give the perspective and support to move into the expert stage.
These books will help you through the Po Stage too.
In the Lei stage, the expert transforms into a true master. Their intuition and judgments are uncommonly reliable, they shows skill and economy of effort, and can deal with rare or difficult situations. Their craft has become solidified and is applied easily as a natural part of life. The learner has become the master and is living their kung fu.
These books will continue to guide even at the highest Lei Stage with timeless philosophy and theory passed along from a wide range of Grandmasters.
This is one of the best books on the market.
The more I read and re-read this book, the more I like it.
It tells you so much in some of the best ways/ wordings..., direct, to the point. Very well written and I suggest EVERYONE buy this, especially if you take and/or want to learn Wing Chun.
Well done! A lot of thought and effort went into these books. I particularly like the birds-eye-view in the dummy section. I have never seen it done better.
Thought I'd give this one a try despite many prior disappointments when buying martial arts books. Wow! Unbelievable details. Could not believe all the info the author managed to cram into one book. And it actually offers clear explanations.
This book is in a league all its own. It is is awesome and a definite must have for all Ving Tsun lovers.
Extremely helpful, well written and very well presented book. A must have for any student of Wing Chun.
I was featured on the cover of Wing Chun Illustrated Issue 8. It's the longest running and most popular wing chun magazine ever. It represents all lineages and styles of wing chun.
Do you know why I was featured?
Because of my commitment to sharing the ways of wing chun. What I wrote in my books aligned well with the magazine - information that's valuable to everybody no matter their lineage.
And, after this article I was asked to become a staff writer with a column in every issue!
I hope you'll consider picking up my wing chun compendium books. They are best sellers for a reason and I want you to join all the others who have added my books to their library.
Now On Sale: $29.95
Shut Up and Take My Money!
Thanks for taking the time to learn more about my books. I hope you will consider picking up a copy.
Table Of Contents
Here's the table of contents in case you were wondering what was included in these books.
Facts & Principles
The Center Line
Hei (Internal Energy)
Ving Tsun Kuen Kuit (Chops)
Training Method
The Discipleship
10 Rules Of The School
Kung Fu Relationships
The Ving Tsun Way
The Search for Perfection
How To Teach
Kung Fu Family Titles
Punching Bag
Faat Jing (Explosive Power)
Effective Subtlety Through Rotation
Punch Mechanics
Training For The Fight
You Know Best
Fighting Strategy
Attributes Of A Sifu
How To Recognize Kung Fu
Unstoppable Techniques
Training Guides & Limits
Common Questions
Taan Sau - Palm Up Block
Laap Sau - Pulling Hand
Bong Sau - Wing Hand
Fook Sau - Resting Hand
Paak Sau - Slapping Hand
Gang Sau - Cultivating Hand
Wu Sau - Guarding Hand
Kwan Sau - Rotating Hand
Hyun Sau - Circling Hand
Jat Sau - Jerking Hand
Footwork Drills
Kwan Sau
Maai San Jong
Bong Sau / Laap Da
Paak Sau With Stepping
Stationary Drills
Drills With Shifting
Drills With Shifting
Drills With Step In
Kick Timing Drills
Chi Sau
Single Sticking Hands
Double Sticking Hands
Tips For Improvement
Purpose Of Sticking Hands
Siu Lim Tau (Little Idea Form)
Cham Kiu (Seeking Bridge)
Biu Ji (Standard Compass)
Mook Yan Jong (Wooden Dummy)
Luk Dim Boon Quan (Long Pole)
Baat Jam Dao (8 Cut Swords)
Meridians & Organs
Pressure Points
Targets On The Gallbladder Meridian
Targets On The Liver Meridian
Targets On The Kidney Meridian
Targets On The Stomach Meridian
Targets On The Small Intestine Meridian
Targets On The Lung Meridian
Targets On The Large Intestine Meridian
Targets On The Triple Warmer Meridian
Philosophy & Culture
False Skill
Ving Tsun Evolution
Finding Your Ving Tsun
The Five Elements
Dealing With Strength
Taking Your Kung Fu To The Next Level
Recovering From Injury
Master Of Kung Fu
The Journey Of Ving Tsun
Finding The Path
Strategy And Philosophy
The Jack Of All Trades
Dao Da Qing Book Of The Way
I-Ching Book Of Changes
Book Of Five Rings
Yin & Yang Theory
General Gwan
Kung Fu Salute
Evolution Of Ving Tsun
Ultimate Martial Skill
Determining The Best Martial Art
The Six Harmonies
How To Stop Bullets
Assessing Others
Purpose Of Ving Tsun
Time Capsules
Personality & Psychology
Emotion, Stress & Anxiety
Competition and Cooperation
Choking Process
Psychoneuromuscular Theory
The Zone
Carbohydrates, Proteins & Fats
Vitamins & Minerals
Optimizing Performance
Choosing The Right Sport
Bringing It All Together
Carbohydrates, Proteins & Fats
Vitamins & Minerals
Optimizing Performance
Choosing The Right Sport
Nutrients & Nutrition
Beneficial Foods
Foods To Avoid
Positive Mental Attitude
Strength Training​
Aerobic Exercise
Kung Fu
Other Material
The Way Of Learning Wing Chun by Grandmaster Sunny Tang
Reflections Of Siu Nim Tau After 30 Years by Grandmaster Sunny Tang
The Theory section provides deep understanding of the theories of wing chun and pugilism in general.
The Techniques will teach universal concepts like how to apply the straight line and help you to think deeply about each move by presenting alternative perspectives.
The Drills section will give you exercises that will develop the skills you need plus an understanding of how to adapt those drills to fill your own purposes.
The Chi Sau section will give an understanding of how to use this drill for maximum benefit. It covers many different styles of chi sau and how they all contribute to the holistic development of skills.
Covering all 6 forms of the system, each move is explained in detail alongside the universal concepts and skills that get developed.
By helping you to understand the pressure points of the body we can better understand how to disable our opponent most efficiently. A section on training the phoenix eye fist supports the hitting of pressure points.
The Chinese culture and philosophies such as Buddhism, Confucianism and Zen (Chan) influence the system and can contribute to the improvement of mind and technique for any martial artist.
We don't need to be an adonis, but knowing a bit about how your body works and what it needs can boost your performance regardless of style or even art.
A comprehensive dictionary of wing chun and martial arts terms in English, Mandarin and Cantonese.
Less than the cost of a private lesson.